Greek Gods


The family of Ares
Ares is the son of Hera and Zeus he was disliked by both of his parents. he is the half sister of Athena.
Just like his mother Hera, ares was a difficult person to deal with thus he was unpopular among the other deities and man kind. Ares and Aphrodite are in a relationship.
Ares' symbols
  Sacred symbols of Ares
The spear, the dogs and the vulture
Ares in war
Ares is the Greek God of War,  more specifically was the God of war-like chaos
 these gods/ goddesses often joined him in war
 Deimos and Phobos (the spirits of terror and fear),
his sister Enyo (the Goddess of bloodshed), and Alala, whose name became his battle war-cry. In the Trojan War he favored the Trojan

Myths of Ares
The most famous story of Ares is about the founding of the city Thebes. Ares was the father of the water dragon that Cadmus sleighed. The dragon's teeth were sown into the ground and Spartans sprang up. Spartans were thought to be the descendants of Ares. Cadmus then married Ares daughter Harmonia and they found the city of Thebes.

Another famous story was the relationship between Ares and Aphrodite. It is rumored that Ares loved her more then war itself, despite his love for bloodshed. Sadly she was married to Hephaestus. Ares and Aphrodite were once caught in a awkward position and were seen by all the gods, but
Ares still chased after Aphrodite. He even killed one of her lovers, Adonis, by changing himself into a boar.
Fun Facts
Ares was the first Greek God to be tried for murder. According to myths, he killed Poseidon's son Alirrothios, to avenge his daughter Alkippes honor. Ares was tried on the hill of Areios Pagus, where he was eventually cleared of the crime. The hill of Areios Pagus has now been called 'The Hill of Ares', a symbol of a court of justice.

Ares was stereo typed as the war-crazy god and god of all gory and violent acts, but he was also the keeper of civil order in ancient Greece. Ares was the patron of the first civil services in a city. The famous poet, Homer, described Ares as the "civil war crazy god."